WipeoutZone version 3


WipeoutZone version 3

WipeoutZone 3Two years after the launch of the previous version of the site, the third version of WipeoutZone was a complete re-work of everything that had gone before. Every aspect of the site was re-coded, from the html and stylesheet to the php for every single page.

Code wise there was almost no carry-over from the previous two versions of the site, which although it meant a lot of extra work, meant that the site ended up more efficient and more scalable than before.

This time around both Fireworks MX and Dreamweaver MX were used to design and code the site entirely – the first time I had managed to avoid jumping between Photoshop and Fireworks. The site is XHTML transitional and makes extensive use of CSS for layout, positioning, and navigation roll-over effects.
