Clyde One and Two


Clyde One and Two

Clyde OneThe Radio Clyde site was designed in the summer of 1999 and contained information on the hit radio station’s shows and presenters, as well as competitions and interviews.

Those responsible for the look of the site at the station wanted a clean and modern look, with the Millennium only six months away at that point in time. I created a site that was true to the brand style of the Clyde logos and maintained a consistant theme over the navigation and text.

I designed destinctive headings for each section using outside broadcast pictures that I filtered in Adobe Photoshop to create a motion-blurred, busy effect for Clyde One. The Clyde Two site, which was aimed at an older audience, was slightly more restrained, yet the navigation and branding were consistant enough to create a strong online indentity that enveloped both stations.
