Happy consumerfest!


Happy consumerfest!

Lots and lots of stuff has happened recently. It turned out that I wasn’t really redundant for all that long at all, although the job that fell into my lap was perfect it does mean a load of upheaval in my life.

Still, after two years in London and four changes of address, having lived North, South, East, and West, I think I’ve covered the whole shooting match! It will be an interesting change for me and a great reminder that by thinking positive you can land on your feet.

The new job starts on January the 7th, which is a great way to start a new year, however, I don’t think I’ve quite had enough of London yet. I will probably be travelling back for long weekends over the course of next summer to visit all the friends I have made down here.

Anyway, on with the show – happy new year to everyone and anyone who happens upon this site. Hope you have a good one, and I wish you all a prosperous and safe 2002.
