
Shtop Shtop – this website is not ready!

The Q4/2002 and Q1/2003 versions of this site kind of blended into one another as I moved stuff around, played a bit with the banner, and messed around with the colours. All in all, nothing significant came of it!

At the moment I’m working on some code so that visitors can add comments on articles, a proper archiving system including previous Feel Good Factor ratings and I’m actually up for another attempt at a fluid css layout as opposed to the current fixed width affair.

Of course, remaining professional about this means I’m not going to upload it until it’s ready… a la Grolsch – I’m horrified with the amount of alleged “web guru” sites out there with the “Under Construction” disclaimer when you hit a dead end in navigation.

Since when did that become acceptable again? Might as well have the animated gif of a little guy digging centered on the page. It’s completely Mickey Mouse and there’s absolutely no place for it on a decent website. If the content isn’t there – don’t link to the page, FFS!

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Stupid White Men

Just started reading Michael Moore‘s incendary book on the state of Modern America. It’s one of those works which I promised myself I’d read at some point, and with HMV doing a three for two offer on paperbacks at the moment, it seemed like a good time to pick it up.

I’ll let you know what I make of it when I’m done, but a couple of chapters in I’m already convinced that Stupid White Men would be a more worthwhile part of the national curriculum in schools than anything by Shakespeare!

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A different point of view

Due to a gift from the ether, I have now replaced my clunky 2 year old Belinea monitor with a nice new 17 inch flat screen model. The difference in quality is vast – the colours are crisp, black really is black and everything on screen looks much sharper.

Needless to say, I am in debt to the 17 inch flatscreen monitor god while I work off this gift via quality website production. Oh yes.

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