Movie & Game Night at Cedrick’s


Movie & Game Night at Cedrick’s

Saturday night was my first in attendance at the legendary Movie & Game night at monsieur Cedrick Collomb’s place.

Cedrick has a H – U – G – E 42 inch tv, so I couldn’t resist bringing along TimeSplitters 2 for some four-player blasting. A fine, if brief, killing frenzy was enjoyed by a few of us before moving on to the first DVD of the night Galaxy Quest.

My fellow Questerians enjoyed this as much as ever and it served as a good warm up for movie number two, The Thomas Crown Affair. This I had never seen before, but I quite enjoyed the well paced story and the games played by the two leads.

Our host gets a ten out of ten for a night well worth the short trip – I’ll be back next time! :o)
