End of the road trip


End of the road trip

Well, the mile-munching holiday is over after a week which was fairly hectic at times. I done a ton of cool stuff, though – including posting the entry below this while out of my chops in the Sports Cafe in London!

That day in London, phew!, I don’t think I’ve been to that many bars in one day since… well, since last time I was in London back in January. Must be the influence of cousin Iain or something! ;o)

On Tuesday I met Nicky, whom I hadn’t seen in person since primary school. Although I was kind of wary – could have been a bunny boiler! – she turned out to be really friendly and quite manic into the bargain. It felt a bit weird to be catching up with an old friend who never really had been an old friend… if you get me, but I really enjoyed myself on the night, with Nicky and her boyfriend Jan making me very welcome. Hopefully I’ll get to return the favour, wine and spirits if they’re passing nearby – four hours isn’t nearly enough time to make up for 20 years lost ground.

The tail end of the week was filled with visiting Fliss‘s friends Lucy & Jess, then auntie Christine, before a reasonably quiet drive back up the motorway. All in all, a very successful holiday with the minimum of fuss. I think we’ll do it again next summer if we have a week to spare. :o)
