A funny thing happened on Friday night


A funny thing happened on Friday night

On Friday just gone I accompanied Fliss and her colleagues on a works night out to Rawhide comedy club in Liverpool. We’d been to Rawhide before, although this time the venue had moved from the Albert Docks area to a less lavish location at the top end of the city center. The new location was well received by myself – it’s less intimate than the old one, but by the same token it’s not as pokey and you can actually make your way to both the toilets and the bar easily. Not that you really had to fight your way to the bar, though, due to the attentive table service – just give them some plastic to stick behind the bar and it’s full steam ahead from then on.

The comedians were of a better standard than last time, too – the host, Mick Ferry, interacted well with the audience and helped to liven things up with some good one-liner’s. The three main acts, I thought, increased in quality as the night went on – with the wickedly vulgar aussie Jim Jeffries rounding off the night.

Somehow we ended up in the Walkabout until it got very late after finishing up at Rawhide – when an evening out starts off as well as it did there, it’s hard not to keep on trucking after the event.

Although, yeah, I did pay for it all day Saturday. The worst part was having to get up and drag myself into town to get the car back from the car park I’d left it in. After that was done and dusted the rest of the day was spent wishing the world was a much quieter place. ;o)
