
Looking back at 2005

At the end of it, I’d have to say 2005 turned out to be a pretty good year for me. It started off a little slowly, with us looking for a house to buy and going on the misguided holiday to Malta. In hindsight that holiday was just a bit of bad luck on our part, as when I went back there with work a few months later I had a much better time.

The first real highlight of 2005 would come in April, when we bought our house. Usually that kind of thing is quite stressful, but I have to say that with us it went really smoothly – perhaps because we were the first people in the chain. It was a really good move on our part, though – it’s good to have a place we’re actually investing money in and a roof that doesn’t leak.

Next highlight would have to be when Fliss discovered she was pregnant less than a month after we moved into the house. To say I was shocked at the time would be an understatement, but nine months of denial later and things have worked out alright.

When June came around I walked Hazel down the aisle, well, half way down the aisle, at her wedding to Ian on what was a great day for them and all of the assembled family.

Shortly after returning from the wedding trip I ran my first 5k and put in a fair effort, even if I felt I could have done better.

In July I turned 33 and celebrated by visiting cousin Iain in London – my first of several trips down to the capital over the months that followed. We had a really good weekend of excess in the hot weather, but it didn’t exactly help in my preperations for my second running event a couple of days after I got back. Indeed, the least said about my gruelling experience in the Sefton Park 5 Mile Run the better.

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