
Smart Indeed

A couple of months back when I was at the Great British Beer Festival, I bought myself and Fliss a pair of comedy tee shirts from a small company called Smart T’s who had a stall there. The tee shirts seemed to be of good quality, and they weren’t too pricey either.

When I got back, Fliss was well pleased with her camouflage style tee shirt with Weapons of Mass Distraction printed across the chest area.

With me, you don’t just get a present, you get a touch of class! ;o)

Sadly, after just one wash, some of the letters peeled off, leaving her tee shirt looking a bit on the used side. Disappointed, I had a look for the Smart T’s website and sent a polite mail detailing what had happened and asking if we could have a replacement. Much to my surprise and delight I received a reply from Ade at Smart T’s almost immediately, apologising for the fault and offering to replace it if I sent the old one back to him.

This is where I got a bit crap with postage, carrying the tee shirt in my bag to and from work on a daily basis for the next four weeks, but never quite getting close to packaging and posting it. I started to think I’d missed the opportunity to exchange it, until I received another mail from Ade asking if I had posted it yet. I thanked him for the good customer service and explained that I was the weak link in the chain, promising to post it in the days that followed.

Somehow, although the tee shirt made it into a padded envelope, it still took me until the following week to post it off. I don’t know why, I just always suck at getting round to post stuff.

Smart T’s, on the other hand, were not so tardy, and Fliss had a brand new tee shirt within a matter of days. I’m pleased to say that this one has survived a wash, so it was obviously an isolated incident.

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