
The games people play

I’m beginning to really look forward to the holidays now. It’s almost within touching distance – only one week and I’ll be off until the second week of next year – woohoo!

Next week comprises of xmas parties and days like you used to have at school where you’d bring in computer games… or Mouse Trap if you weren’t spoiled rotten like I was!

Actually – that was ace back then. I had the classic Astro Wars and a slighly less decent game (but slightly more advanced) called Firefox, which was nothing at all to do with the movie or the laserdisc based arcade game.

The second I’d come through the cloakroom doors carrying polly bags containing the two mini arcade games I was the most popular kid in the class. Well, my games were popular anyway and for once all the bullies would be nice to me so they could have a go.

I remember I’d just find a wall socket and plug the games in and leave someone in charge (a girl called Andrea Leighton usually – wonder if she’s a manager of some sort now?!). Andrea would see to it that people took fair turns while I stood back, basking in the glory of my short lived popularity.

Ah yes – that was when Xmas really began for me, circa 1982 :o)

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Moby Slick

I love the quote by Moby on how he could have prevented the attack on him by three obviously very cowardly assholes:

“warning: tonights show will at time be comprised of cover songs poorly played by moby, a skinny bald musician”

I like Moby‘s stuff in small doses and after watching Frank Skinner interview him I kind of thought he was a pretty cool guy. Hopefully he’ll get over his cuts and bruises in time for Xmas :o)

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The six day weekend

Almost too quickly my six day weekend was over and I don’t feel any more rested than when it began.

Granted, six days of PlayStation, beer and indulgence can sometimes take it out on you, but I had hoped to feel a little more relaxed and recouperated afterwards.

Could be that cousin Iain’s arrival on the scene tempted me to the dark side! I mean, two o’clock in the afternoon on a Monday isn’t really when you should start drinking beer!

It was fun, though, and as a parting gesture I handed over my original PS2 for a meagre sum. (a sum that has yet to find its way into my bank account, let it be noted!)

Anyhow, a quick call to Iain tonight confirmed that the PlayStation virus has been swiftly passed on – he was already in the early stages of a season of LMA Manager 2003, punctuating the conversation with “Ooooh – that was a close one!” as his virtual teams’ simulated game took place in the background.

I hope Iain gets more sleep over the next few days than we got over the weekend. :o)

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