


I’m suffering from a lack of time at the moment. Weekends seem to disappear in a blur, and the working week is almost over by the time I get a handle on things. Not sure what I’m doing wrong, but I need to slam the brakes on somehow and spare some time for stuff I want to do.

I have never been a genius at time-management, even getting a Palm personal organizer for my birthday last year has failed to cure what is a fairly seat of the pants life style. Not that I do much on a daily basis that I’d consider to be frantic. I just seem to run out of time and I cant quite explain why.

I’m thinking that a lot of it hinges on how tired I am. I spent most of last week in a daze due to insomnia, so even when I did have a couple of spare hours in the evening, I didn’t feel motivated to do anything other than sit in front of the TV. This week I’m going to try and take control by making myself go to bed at a sensible time. Perhaps a routine would help too, like, if I decide that Monday night was jogging night, Wednesday night is five-a-side night and Friday night is pub night, I can do the other stuff on the spare days in between.

Hmmm… but what about computer night, games night, skateboarding night… and other stuff. Wow – this is harder than it first seems.
