Visitors from the outside


Visitors from the outside

Last weekend my mum, stepfather Stevo, and my little brother Andrew came down to visit. Although we were short of suggestions for things to do, we managed to have a good time over the three days anyway.

Friday night we had the best curry ever (probably) at the Gulshan restraunt along the road. It’s easy to see why this place has won oodles of awards – I’ve had a great meal every time I’ve been there or ordered take-away, and the fact that it’s about a hundred yards away from our house is great. :o)

Saturday we went to the Trafford Centre near Manchester – boy, was that a test of endurance. Cannot believe how packed it was, although I guess it’s to be expected on a Saturday afternoon in the run-up to xmas.

That evening I introduced Andrew to the delights of TimeSplitters 2, which I thought he’d struggle with as he’s not too great with the analogue sticks on the PS2. Fortunately he got to grips with it pretty quickly and along with Fliss we had some great team death match action going on. Funnily enough, mum and Stevo didn’t want to join in for some reason. ;o)

All in it was a good, if frantic weekend.
