Happy 50th Birthday, Mum!


Happy 50th Birthday, Mum!

I cant believe my mum is 50!

I mean, I know I was 30 almost two years ago now, but it just seems kind of weird that my mum has hit the half century.

I think it’s because she’s always been so full of life and fun that she doesn’t seem to have aged to me. I’m aware that I’m getting on a bit, but my mum just seems to have been stuck in a timewarp for the last fifteen years or so, where I’ve always just though of her as “around 40-ish”.

Sadly, being so far away, there wasn’t much we could do for her birthday other than ensure that she got her card on time and some flowers to go along with it. Next month Fliss and I will be up in Scotland for week, so we’ll be able to treat her to something more lavish while we’re there.

And she deserves it too – bringing up me couldn’t have been a walk in the park, it’s amazing that she doesn’t look twice her age! ;o)

Hope you have a great day mum!
