I’ve made a few changes to the site, which you can probably see. The grey is a bit of a departure from the usual hues of blue I tend to go with, but I decided I needed a bit of a change of direction for a while.
It’s not totally done yet – the archives page hasn’t made the transition yet, and there are aspects of it I’m not completely happy with. As a rule I like to get this site out of the way in a couple of days, though, before it becomes a pain in the ass as opposed to being somewhere I can just go off on one.
The CSS validates, which is nice, although the XHTML doesn’t because I have targets and other non-compliant stuff in the URL‘s, so although the code is safe and sound I cant really wear the validation patch on my sleeve with any authority. Validation is for geeks and students anyhow – I’m too much of a loose cannon for all that! ;o)
Regular(!) visitors will probably loathe the new look, I imagine, so if you have any comments to make you can drop me a line at robert@infoxicated.com.