It had been almost 5 years since I got to see Yonaka live and it feels strange to think of that as occurring in a time before the Covid 19 pandemic. So much has changed in my own life since then and the sound of the band has markedly evolved since those days too.
I became a fan of Yonaka after spending an entire day seeking out female-fronted indie rock bands to listen to. I also had the good fortune to discover Rews, Antares, Lucia and others at the time. But Yonaka really stood out for the quality of the riffs and the delivery of the lyrics and, when I saw they’d be playing in Glasgow, I snapped up the tickets.
Carol had got me tickets to see The Cure and the Foo Fighters for my Xmas present. I had never been able to experience the Foo Fighters live before so although it was a good seven months away, I couldn’t wait to see them.
Getting to see The Cure was a bonus because I didn’t know much about them at all. The ticket had come as part of the only package Carol was able to get for the Summer Sessions. Live music is live music though, and they are one of the biggest bands from the last 40 years!
An open-air event at any time during a Scottish summer is a gamble but with it being in August I thought we might get lucky. For TRNSMT, in July, we were especially so. However, in the lead up to the Summer Sessions, the rain was relentless and about a month’s worth fell in the week running up to the weekend. Bellahouston Park didn’t stand a chance of hosting thousands of people without it being a mud bath!