Game On

Daily shuts down

It was with great sadness I discovered that the Daily Radar site had come to the end of the line today. It has been a great source for news and the weekly Vent column was a fantastically balanced piece of journalism.

Hopefully the demise is only temporary, what with the uk version of the site staying live, perhaps it might return when the financial waters are less muddy.

Best of luck to everyone involved with – your words, pictures and spirit will be sorely missed.

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Welcome to UltraReal 2001

Hope you enjoy the new look site! Some of the old content has been dropped, some due to the fact that I didn’t have the time to compile it any more, and others due to a change in focus. (i.e. the mutt thing was getting a little repetitive)

Take a look around, find bugs – be annoyed that your mouse wheel doesn’t work, and rest assured that I’ll get it fixed as soon as I can!

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Big thanks to three.oh

Other than the needless controversy raised by varying opinion on the event’s sponsors, Reboot 2001 was a complete success for more than 1600 designers who took part in the May 1st re-launch of their sites.

A week of frantic action action and dreaming of ideas has brought you the new look site – I just wish I’d had the time to create everything I thought of. Although I love my new UltraReal, I’ll definately be taking part in Reboot next year!

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